Today we ventured out to Pet Supplies Plus in Alliance, where our friend Molly is a manager. We have not owned a dog in our adult lives, so we really needed some guidance on what to purchase. Thank goodness Molly was there to give us tips on everything from treat caddies to tick checks!
Si really enjoyed his favorite aspect of shopping, pushing the cart. He was also very interested in selecting the Nylabone for his pup. All morning, when asked where we were going, he said, "Shop . . .bones!" Here he is checking out the Kongs with dad:
Once he had his bone and Kong, he was ready to go, although mom and dad could have stayed a while to pick Miss Molly's brain! Here's Si with Miss Molly:
And last, a triumphant Si with his Nylabone (which of course he had to check to make sure it really was chicken-flavored):
The excitement is building in our house! We should find out our dog's name and get a picture here any time in the next week! Can't wait to share it with you all!
I can't wait for Si and you guys to meet your pup and receive him or her into your family!! It's like a new family member coming!